Allye Ratledge serves as Webmaster/Social Media guru for Dr. Tobe Singleton Veterinary Services.
With 18 years’ experience, Allye earned her stripes as the direct assistant to the Vice President for Research at The University of Texas at Austin. She then served The Department of Energy’s Office of River Protection as the liaison for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), Government Accountability Office (GAO), and Inspector General (IG) offices. Allye currently serves as the Director for Member and Partner Engagement for the Local Media Consortium.
Allye lives in Knoxville, TN with her crushingly handsome husband, JBird and her two beautiful little girls, Maddy and Maggie.
Her furbabies are the small but mighty rescue wonderpup, Tootie,
and her two smug and crushingly judgmental felines, Peta and Sully.
When Allye is not re-pinking her hair, she enjoys performing and recording tasty music. She cut her musical teeth with her motown band in Austin, Texas called, The Pacers.
She toured extensively through the Pacific Northwest with her R&B, Funk and Jazz band, Bluestone.